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烟台大学土木工程学院 副院长
















2017.09至今 烟台大学土木工程学院 副教授


2007-2014德国斯图加特大学,水利工程与水资源系博士/科研助理,导师:Prof. Silke Wieprecht





  • 国家自然科学基金委员会与德国研究联合会合作研究项目,5201101109,变化环境下水文连通演变对河流生态系统的影响机制及调控模式研究,2021.01-2023.12, 300万,在研,子课题负责人。

  • 山东省高校服务黄河重大国家战略特色项目,黄河下游山东段9市污染物来源解析、通量追溯及水生态环境差异化修复,2023.01-2025.12,10万,在研,主持。

  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金,41807398,平原城市河流鱼类生境恢复潜力对水动力水质提升的响应,2019.01-2021.12,29万,结题,主持。

  • 山东省重点研发计划,2019GSF109011,沿海城市水体生态健康评估及修复潜力诊断系统开发,2019.01-2021.12,20万,结题,主持。

  • 烟台大学科技项目青年基金,TM17B46,城市河流鱼类生境恢复潜力对水动力水质提升的响应,2018.01-2020.12,20万,在研,主持。

  • 黄河口日本鳗草采样与分析,横向,TM20H003,2019.10-2020.10,结题,主持。

  • 江苏省博士后基金,Bs915002,梯级大坝泄流总溶解气体过饱和预测模拟技术,2015.07-2017.07,4万,结题,主持。

  • 中央级公益性科研院所青年基金,Y916009,上海市水功能区污染负荷来源解析研究, 2016.01-2016.12,5万,结题,主持。

  • 上海市水功能区基础调查和淀北片水功能区水质改善深化研究项目,Hj915014,2015.05-2016.01,40万,结题,主持。

  • 上海市水功能区基础调查和藴南片水功能区水质改善深化研究项目,Hj916011,2016.04-2017.03,20万,在研,主持。

  • 坪山片区河道污染源调查与排放规律研究,2016.12-2017.09,104万,主持。

  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金,51709179,面向空间异质性的多信息集成遥感降水降尺度方法研究,2018.01-2020.12,24万,在研,参与。

  • 河湖系统生态需水核算及调控技术-河湖沼系统生态需水保障技术体系及应用,国家重点研究发展计划,2017YFC0404501,2017.07- 2020.12,87万,在研,参与。

  • 国家重点研发计划,2016YFC0401507,典型城市河网畅流与水质提升技术集成与示范课题,2016.07-2019.12,1135万元,结题,参与。

  • 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,91547206,大型水库对河流氮磷再分布的作用机制及其环境生态效应,2016.01-2019.12,416万,结题,参与。

  • 梯级水库泄水气体过饱和监测模拟及调控技术,南京水利科学研究院重大项目,Y916010,2016.01-2017.12,50万,结题,主参。

  • 三峡水库生态调度生态水文学模型研究,Hj916002,2015.12-2017.12,75.4万,结题,参与。

  • 长春市串湖流域黑臭水体治理工程,2016.07-2017.09,65万,结题,参与。

  • 德国联邦教育研究部中德双边合作项目,湄公河地区橡胶林种植的可持续发展,2013.01 -2016.10,300万,结题,参与。


  • Jin Zhang, Investigations on Urban River Regulation and Ecological Rehabilitation measures, Case of Shenzhen River in China. 英文专著, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-942036-38-2.

  • Jin Zhang, Yu Pei, Qitao Yi, Yihan Chen, Tao Zhang, Wenqing Shi. Particulate and water-mobilizable phosphorus from a watershed with aplain river network contributes equal amounts of algal availablephosphorus to its downstream lake. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 932 173047.

  • Qirui Jia, Qitao Yi, Ziying Xu, Xiao Liu, Zhaona Zhou, Jin Zhang. Quantifying the impact of damming on phosphorus reallocation: Finer particles offset soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) reduced by a decrease in the suspended sediment concentration. Science of the Total Environment 2024.

  • Zhou, ZN,Yan, R,Liu, X,Xu, ZY, Zhang, J,Yi, QT. Suspended particulate matter <2.5 μm (SPM2.5) in shallow lakes: Sedimentation resistance and bioavailable phosphorus enrichment after sediment resuspension. Science of the Total Environment 2024,912,168780.

  • Chen, YH,Pei, Y,Yi, QT,Zhang, J,Jia, QR,Ding, YX,Cui, HB. Cyanobacterial availability of phosphorus adsorbed onto iron/aluminum (hydr)oxides and its dependence on phosphorus desorption: from particulate sources to pH regulation. JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS,2024, 24,425-437.

  • Jin Zhang, Shijiao Buyang, Qitao Yi, Peiyao Deng, Wei Huang, Cheng Chen, Wenqing Shi. Connecting sources, fractions and algal availability of sediment phosphorus in shallow lakes: An approach to the criteria for sediment phosphorus concentrations. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2023, 125, 798–810.

  • Yuxin Ding, Qitao Yi, Qirui Jia, Jin Zhang, Zhaona Zhou, Xiao Liu. Quantifying phosphorus levels in water columns equilibrated with sediment particles in shallow lakes: From algae/cyanobacteria-available phosphorus pools to pH response. Science of the Total Environment,2023, 868, 161694.

  • Conghui Wang, Qitao Yi, Keke Wang, Jin Zhang. Partitioning pattern of metals onto sediment particles in shallow lakes: an exponential decrease with increased particle size and its environmental implications. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2023,23:483–495.

  • Jin Zhang, Kun Wang, Qitao Yi,Tao Zhang, Wenqing Shi, Xuefei Zhou. Transport and partitioning of metals in river networks of a plain area with sedimentary resuspension and implications for downstream lakes, Environmental Pollution, 2022, 294: 118668.

  • Peiyao Deng, Qitao Yi, Jin Zhang, Conghui Wang, Yihan Chen, Tao Zhang, Wenqing Shi. Phosphorous partitioning in sediments by particle size distribution in shallow lakes: From its mechanisms and patterns to its ecological implications. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 814: 152753.

  • Jin Zhang, Kun Wang, Qitao Yi, Yu Pei, Yujun Yi. Growth of Zostera japonica in different sediment habitats of the Yellow River estuary in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021,28(24):31151-31162. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-12925-7.

  • Kun Wang,Jin Zhang,Qitao Yi,Xueyuan Wang,Yujun Yi. Metals in sediments and their accumulation in Zostera japonica in different sediment habitats of the Yellow River estuary. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2021,21(3):1539-1549. DOI: 10.1007/s11368-021-02875-5.

  • Yujun Yi, Qi Liu, Jin Zhang, Shanghong Zhang. How do the variations of water and sediment fluxes into the estuary influence the ecosystem? Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 600: 126523.

  • Xiang Liu, Lin Wei, Jin Zhang, Kongsong Zhu, Heng Zhang, Guofen Hua, Haomiao Cheng. Effects of sulfate ions on growth and lipid synthesis of Scenedesmus obliquus in synthetic wastewater with various carbon-to-nitrogen ratios altered by different ammonium and nitrate additions. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 341: 125766.

  • Xiang Liu, Min Wang, Jin Zhang, Lin Wei, Haomiao Cheng. Immobilization altering the growth behavior, ammonium uptake and amino acid synthesis of Chlorella vulgaris at different concentrations of carbon and nitrogen. Bioresource Technology, 2021,320:124438.

  • Hui Jiang, Ming Hua, Jin Zhang, Panpan Cheng, Zhen Ye, Mai Huang, Qiang Jin. Sustainability efficiency assessment of wastewater treatment plants in China: A data envelopment analysis based on cluster benchmarking. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020,244118729.

  • Xiang Liu, Kaijun Wang, Jin Zhang, Jinyao Wang, Juanjuan Wu, Fei Peng. Ammonium removal potential and its conversion pathways by free and immobilized Scenedesmus obliquus from wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 283: 184-190.

  • Xiang Liu, Jin Zhang, Wenqing Shi, Min Wang, Kai Chen and Li Wang. Priority Pollutants in Water and Sediments of a River for Control Basing on Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Structure. Water, 2019, 11(6), 1267.

  • Xiang Liu, Qiuwen Chen, Nasir Ali, Jin Zhang, et al. Single and joint oxidative stress–related toxicity of sediment-associated cadmium and lead on Bellamya aeruginosa. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019,26:24695–24706.

  • Teklit Zerizghi, Yufeng Yang, Wenjun Wang, Yang Zhou, Jin Zhang, Yujun Yi. Ecological risk assessment of heavy metal concentrations in sediment and fish of a shallow lake, a case study of Baiyangdian Lake, North China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2020,192:154.

  • 何梦男, 张劲, 陈诚, 齐笑, 陈求稳. 上海市淀北片降雨径流污染时空特性分析. 环境科学学报,2018, 38(2): 536-545.


    • 一种模拟城市河道生态修复的系统和方法. ZL202110938392.6,发明专利,2021.

    • 一种城市河道鱼类生境评价方法和系统. ZL202110939604.2, 发明专利,2021.

    • 城市河流生态恢复力评价系统(Chinese Urban River Ecological Resilience Simulation System)[简称:CURrentS] V1.0,软件著作权,2021.


    • 烟台市三八红旗手,2024年

    • 水利部交通运输部国家能源局南京水利科学研究院科技进步特等奖,2017年。


² 水生态环境修复

² 智慧水利/智慧水务

² 黄河流域生态保护与高质量发展



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